Sunday, October 26, 2014

August 25, 2014

! this week was good! I'm still enjoying my life as a missionary :)
I will tell you something i have learned in this first i guess. Missionary work is hard! I knew it would be hard but it is hard in so many more different ways than I thought it would be. We tracted a lot this week which I enjoy. Everyone knows Jesus Christ loves them and died for them, people do think there are prophets on the Earth, people have valid points as to why they don't want to be involved in a religion. Its hard to have the right thing to say to them because half the fime, I don't even know what they are talking about so I don't have a good answer. I know there are elect people out there who are ready for the gospel and I should be focusing my efforts on them but at the same time, I have to do all within my own power to help others accept the restored gospel. People know a lot more about God and Christ. So don't worry, I'm not having a breakdown or anything haha thats just something i"ve noticed about this week. We also met this nice guy on the street. He just moved here from Iraq with his family about a year ago. We talked with him (the best we could) for a little bit. His english really was not good but somehow we were able to communicate that we wanted to come to his house the next day. So we did and we met his cute family and they live in such a nice clean house and are such nice people. I just think they are so cute and I agreed that we would come over once a week to teach them english. I don't know, maybe hopefully somethign will come of it. I have also realized this week that I have been gone so long!! One year! I keep seeing things that give me flashbacks of Corning and man was I there a long time ago. I'll see you all in 6 months which seems so far and also so soon! I don't even know what to think anymore! Mostly I've just been thinking of how I can not be distracted by anything and just keep being super focused on being a missionary here. I think though that as times goes on and I'm more immersed in this city with the people then I will stop thinking of home. Its always when you enter a new area that you get homesick because you no longer have your church family. I miss Sister Barley. Everyone here is really great though, more time spent with them just has to pass. Also today we have a district activity that will take up like all day so I probably won't get a letter written to you guys! :( sorry:( I will write one for sure next week though! I'm jealous of your lake powell trip, tell me how it goes! Send a picture of pali in his football stuff!! i love you all and miss you a lot! 
Love, Sister Quinn Nilsson

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